Welcome to the inaugural run of the Hub Cap--our weekly hot-list of notable posts by members of the World Business Forum 2010 Bloggers Hub:
- Ginger Conlin (1 to 1 Media Blog): Connecting the Dots Between Social Media and Customer Service
- Mitch Ditkoff (Heart of Innovation): Look to Nature for a Creative Breakthrough
- Jim Estill (CEO Blog - Time Leadership): Limits to Creative Energy
- Boris Pluskowsky (The Complete Innovator): 6 Secrets to Corporate Authenticity
- Carol Roth (Unsolicited Business Advice): How to "Stalk" Effectively
- Bret L. Simmons (The Leader Lab and bretlsimmons.com): The Narcissistic Leader
- Liz Strauss (Successful--and Outstanding--Blog): Cool Tool Review: Mechanical Turk
Check the Hub Cap each Friday to experience the unique viewpoints of Bloggers Hub bloggers as they wax on important issues in today's business world.
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